Thursday, February 21, 2013


Today in West Civ. we continued reviewing for our test. We went over that Sparta was a different city-state. The men were completely dedicated to the state for their entire lives. Men sometimes wouldn't even live with their wives or families, they would live in a 'training camp' with the other men. With the men gone for most of the time, women had a lot of freedom, unlike other women in other city-states. The women were expected to raise the family, run business', and do other forms of work that men typically did. Sparta had a governmental system that allowed the landowners to have complete domination over the noncitizen people that were forced to work for them to keep the land they lived on. The workers weren't payed nearly enough to become wealthy, just enough for them and their family to survive. We learned that a Tyranny was a stage before Democracy. A Tyranny is a form of government with one ruler who took power by force. The rule is usually a man who obviously isn't a very nice person, also he probably has a lot of wealth. We ended with leaning that Sparta tried to remain isolated from all other civilizations to keep their  way of life. The teacher gave us the rest of the class off to do homework.

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