Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Punic Wars and More

First Punic War- Carthage wanted complete control over Cecile and lost to Rome
Second Punic War- Hannibal (general) convinced the government that if they could defeat Rome that the entire Med. area would be theirs. They attacked Rome by going through an unexpected route with elephants and a big army; they lost a lot of elephants while going through climates they weren't used to. Even though they caught Rome off guard after destroying many small towns, they lost so many people from the journey through the mountains and terranes, Rome won again.
Third Punic War- Rome was annoyed with Carthage getting into Rome's business and completely destoryed Carthage. They enslaved people, killed people, put a curse on the land, did every thing they could to make sure the people never came together again. Small farm owing men would go to fight in this battle and their families would strggle with the farm. In most cases the rich people would come but the farmers
Assembly- represented the lower class of people or plebeians, called TRIBUTES; democracy
Consuls- were the highest powers in government, they could veto each other; monarchy
Senate- made of about 300 people, represented the Patricians/ richer class; aristocracy

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