Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Rome notes continued 4/9

  • When first settling, their city- state was ruled by Etruscan conqueror's and other kings 
  • king was advised by a group of men called the senate 
  • When the king died, the senate chooses a man from themselves to take the throne 
  • The man they choose to take the throne must be approved by male citizens
  • Rome was controlled mostly by the senate and the patricians 
  • 500 B.C. Rome threw out the Etruscan rulers and ended monarchy 
  • The Roman Republic was developed under the influences of the social conflicts between the aristocrats and commoners 
  • Roman government ended up being a combination of both Greek democracy and an oligarchy 
  • Patricians were the aristocrats 
  • Plebeians were the commoners, you were a plebeian if you did not belong to a Patrician family
  • In early times the senate was about 300 Patrician men, 2 of them were consuls 
  • The consuls led the army and government for one year terms
  • Consuls appointed senators and chose their own successors 
  • Consuls had the ability to veto the others law making proposals
  • Romans always put two men in charge of the same magistracy to avoid becoming a monarchy again 

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