Thursday, April 11, 2013

Rome Notes

  • Roman valued the Greeks 
    • The Romans imitated and improved Greek methods and ways
      • Government
        • Began as a monarchy with kings 
        • Saw the Greek way with the senate to advise the king (senax- oldmen)
        • The senate would meet and choose who would replace the king
        • Republic-- res publica- the peoples business
        • Rome thought it was important for the people to have a say in government
      • War
        • Took Greek methods and improved upon them and were more successful than the Greeks
  • Roman army was the most feared at its time 
  • Used many Greek war methods and made them better 
  • Italy was in the middle of the middle; great location; better than Greece 
  • On seven hills, that helped because they could see enemies coming 
  • Believed Gods had given them the perfect location and thought they were the chosen ones to rule 
  • Similar climate to Greece, same latitude, but they did not plane olives 
  • They had all the advantages of Greece PLUS more room to grow crops- more people- bigger army 
  • Latins, Etruscan's, and the Greeks settled the Italian peninsula 
  • Patrician- Upper class families, must be born into them, wealthy- the men in charge; with land, money, influence, ect. 
  • plebeians- the common people including workers, small farm owners, AND wealthy people who aren't patrician 
  • A patrician farmer has many people working on his latifundia (huge area of land) and can sell it for a large amount of money 
  • Legend that two boys founded Rome, not the Latins, Etruscan's, and Greek's 

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