Monday, May 6, 2013

Christianity in the Era of the Roman Peace

-Mainly spread throughout the Roman Empire
- Taught during a period of Jewish conflict; consequently, the Temple was destroyed (70A.D.)
-Gospels written about 40 to 70 years after Jesus died
-Gospels focused on things mainly to describe that Jesus had two roles ; teacher explaining Gods purposes and as Messiah sent by God
The Teacher
- Taught that the most loyal person to the law would still not be "enough" to plead God
- Women left there homes and families jus to follow him
The Messiah
- Jesus calls himself "Son of Man" and "Son of God"
- The Gospels announced a big change in the traditional Jewish understanding of the one truth about the one God
- Priests arrested Jesus and he was crucified
- Gentiles arguing over the meaning of the "Good News" changed the religious outlook and the power structure of Western Civilization
Gentiles and the Law
-Paul of Tarsus: the most forceful advocate of freedom from the law- came from a city in Anatolia
- Originally came to Judaea as a studious Pharisee an opponent of the new belief
- Paul had a vision which made him believe that Christ is the Messiah and to become an apostle
-Paul founded many groups in Anatolia and Greece
-Wrote letters to his (Paul) groups around 50 to 60 A.D. In Greek- earliest documents of the new belief


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