Monday, May 13, 2013

When did Diocletian rule?
How many people were living in the Roman Empire during 300 A.D.?
     60 million
What is "predestination"?
     The belief that God new where you were going (Heaven or Hell) from the moment you were born
Who are the 4 Gospel writers?
      Mathew, Mark, Luke, John
When did Constantine rule?
What were Diocletian's edicts meant to do?
     end the religion of Christianity
Who was Paul of Tarsus?(short answer)
     The apostle who had a vision and from that he knew he was to spread the word of Jesus. He is the     reason why Christianity is still practiced today. He traveled a lot and preached to many people, and he set up many churches for the new Christians.
How did Paul stay connected to the new Christians?
     he wrote letters
How long did the Pax Romana last?
     207 years
How much lager was Diocletian's army than Augustus'?
     One Third
In 150 B.C. how much of the population was slaves?
     One Third
Where did Constantine move Romes capital too?
What did Constantine rename the capitol?
Describe Constantine's vision?
     He prayed to the Christian God  because the Roman God's were not answering the sacrifices and he saw a cross in the sky that said "Conquer by this"
What battle did fight after he had the vision? Did he win?
     Milvian Bridge

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