Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Christianity in the Pax Romana

  • Jesus was a preacher in Judea- he set himself apart from the other Messiah 
    • he taught that one must strive to be perfect because God is perfect 
    • he taught that we will always fall short when we try to be as perfect as God
    • sought out the imperfections in humanity
  • Jesus chose the middle class (and lower) people to talk/preach to because the government was making decisions that made them feel worthless
  • The government saw him as a threat (like he wanted to be a ruler) and crucified him 
    • his followers believe that he rose from the dead and went to heaven
  • All of his followers who continued to spread his message are known as the apostles 
    • All people who spread his word are apostles- not just the very well known 12 
  • Paul of Tarsus fell off of his horse on the road to Damascus and was blind for three days 
    • during those three days Jesus spoke to him 
  • Paul talked about "predestination"- God chose who will be saved and who will not be saved 
  • While Paul traveled to spread Jesus' word, he set up many churches
    • the people in the churches still had many questions for Paul after he left them
    • they wrote him letters and he wrote back; these letters are read in current day mass 
      • Corinth
      • Thessalonia 
      • Rome
      • Ephasus
  • Paul is the reason why this religion is so popular today and practiced widely 

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